Monday, October 26, 2009

Plans for the day

1. Get out of the house and take some Fall pictures before all the leaves are gone.
2. Shower and take Emily to Bowling Green to get braces fixed.
3. Finish laundry that darling hubby of mine started yesterday.
4. Actually accomplish something on this rare day off alone.

What have I done today?

Called about Emily's braces only to find out I can't get her in today.
Went back to bed after girls left for school and slept until 10am.
Ate a pop tart and watched CSI:NY.
Turned on computer and decided to catch up on 365 Cards.

What I have left on my list to do:

Shower and hopefully remember to take camera with me so that I can get some pictures of the leaves today before they are all gone while on my way to pick up Emily from school to turn around and head home to finish the laundry before hubby gets home so I can say I at least got that done. All in all not a bad day!

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