Wednesday, November 4, 2009

One Day Closer

to starting a new position at my job.

having my daughter moving away from home

to finishing countless unfinished projects

to having finances under control

to spending the holidays with my family

I got up early today in hopes that I can get some things done around the house that need to be done and maybe get a bit more organized. I have several projects for Christmas that I want to make and I just need to get all my ducks in a row so that I can get them completed.

Yesterday was a great day. Tori, Carol and I went up to Louisville to visit the Bellarmine University campus. We had a nice visit with LeeAnne in Admissions, Emmy took us on a great campus tour. She was very helpful in answering questions we had about such things as meal plans and whether or not the dorm room beds are twin or xlong twin (as a mom I need to know these things). Lastly Tori me with the English Department Chair Dr. Fred Smock. He was very nice and encouraged her to ask questions and told her all those little things about the school that will ultimately help her make a decision.

The campus is beautiful, the buildings are all really nice. The dorms are great. The amenities that the campus is close to are wonderful and with the public bussing system in place she would be able to go about anywhere in Louisville with minimal trouble. I think she really liked the overall feel of the school and so now we just wait to hear about the scholarship package that they are offering her and also hearing back from Centre.

As a parent either school would be great and I can see Tori doing well at either school. Louisville offers more in ways that a city can whereas Danville is small and closeknit and just has a good vibe to it. Either school would be a perfect fit for her and I think she will be happy in either school so we will just wait and see what comes of all the paperwork.

After our visit we headed over to a couple of malls. The first was so that I could see what all the hubbub was about concerning Archivers. It is a good store with alot to offer and if I lived close I would take advantage of all the classes they offer, but overall it is just another scrapbook store. Since I had Tori with me I had her pick out the paper and album she wants for her graduation album. I let Amber pick hers out several years ago and I plan to get this one done in a more timely manner. I have all the pieces now and just have to sit down and get it completed. I plan to start after Christmas as I have so many gift projects I need to complete first.

After the mall we headed over to The Cheesecake Factory for some delicious lunch. It was awesome and we even managed to force down a piece of cheesecake for dessert. After that we walked around the mall a bit and picked up some gifts in Bath & Body Works, new shoes for Tori that are purple plaid chucks and then we headed back to pick up some cheesecake to bring home. Pumpkin cheesecake for Will & I, Red Velvet for Emily and Raspberry Lemon for Tori.

Well, off to clean off the scrapbooking desk so I can get started on some of those gifts!

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