Thursday, August 20, 2009

Falling Behind

or at least it feels that way today. I have a number of projects that I have brewing in the ole' noggin but there are few creative days to be had recently.

I did sit down earlier in the week and make up about 50 Christmas cards for the Cards for Heroes site. I haven't gotten them completed but about half way there. Making up a bunch of cards for the troops is something that I have been trying to do regularly. It makes me feel good and it uses up some of my very large stash of stuff!

I have several ideas for projects to get done to be given as Christmas gifts this year and I just need to unclutter the brain long enough to write down exactly what I want to do for each person. This on top of trying to keep up with the Jenni Bowlin class (not happening for sure) and the Life Well Crafted class that I have been doing. The one thing about the LWC class is that the projects are something that can be done anytime and would make great gifts if so chosen. I have at least been doing the LWC Life Tunes layouts each month. I can manage to sit down long enough to do that.

I have the Cathy Z. class starting in a few weeks that I have managed to get the album and stuff for and have mostly done the homework and hope that I can actually find the time to sit down and work on it because it is something that I have been looking forward to for several months. Plus the Ali Edwards 3 month class starts in October. Nothing like having a full plate! But I refuse to miss out on some of these classes.

I have been trying to figure out the Graduation album for Tori recently. I have all the directions from taking the class a few years ago I just need to figure out the paper I want to use for it. I am torn between just picking something I like and going with that or trying to find something that fits Tori's personality and using that. I would like for her to have some input into it as it is for her so I guess I will have to find the time to ask her.

Speaking of time. I have none. Never see the family all at the same time. Seems like I am walking out whenever some of them are walking in. Tori has taken on Color Guard and Yearbook/Newspaper Co-Editor responsibilities as well as 3 AP classes this semester. I know the biggest reason is because she misses Andrew and hasn't been able to speak to him in 3 weeks now but sometimes I wonder if she isn't doing too much. It is her life and really she isn't doing anything that won't help her out in the future anyway.

Yesterday Emily and I went to Bowling Green for her Orthodontist appt. After that we had a nice lunch at Panera Bread and then hit Macy's. I needed some face stuff from Estee Lauder and we found her 2 pairs of skinny jeans that look adorable on her. We also picked out a great outfit for Tori. It will be perfect for college interviews and just looking nice. Thought she could use a little pick-me-up. After the mall we got our hair cut and then came home. I crashed for a couple of hours as I had to work last night but we had a fun day.

This working outside the home is tougher than I remember. Maybe because the girls are older and they have more demands on their time than when I worked before. It takes some planning to make sure that I have off the time I need to spend with them. For example, Tori will be visiting several schools this year in preparation for going to college next year. We hit several schools last year and so she has a pretty good idea of where she wants to do, it is just going back to visit and chat with counselors, and buckle down on applying for scholarships and admissions and everything. In September we are going to a preview day for UK and a visit up to Georgetown College. I just set up an appointment for the end of October for her to have an overnight stay at Centre College and there may be several more of those to schedule too. I am really proud of her in her commitment to going away to college vs staying close and going to WKU. I think she will be happier.

Well, I have rambled and babbled enough for one post. I have a blue million things to do if I can just get my sore body to move enough to do them. I think I am getting too old for some of this stuff!

1 comment:

dianna said...

Good Lordy are one busy bee! Are you giving me a glimpse into my future...?
Hope you are doing well regardless!