Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's July 4th

Do you have any big plans?

Today we are having family and friends over for a little cookout. Burgers and dogs are a favorite but seem just right in the summer. It is enjoyable to get together with everyone and I enjoy the fact that I don't have to go anywhere! There is rain in the forcast for sometime this evening and into tomorrow and hopefully it will hold off until after we eat, but otherwise we need the rain. Things are a bit on the dry side.

Fireworks are not a biggie with me. I love watching them, but I hate having them close by and I don't do crowds of people very well so going somewhere is usually out. So, I have deprived my kids of yet one more tradition and we do not have fireworks. I blame it on my childhood!

Amber will be turning 20 in a few weeks and I have been trying to get some things done for her. Living in an apartment means that they don't have alot of space for "stuff" and so I have been trying to think along the lines of use. Now granted one thing she is getting she should have gotten 2 years ago for graduation, and I am bad and didn't get it finished until recently, but it is done and I know that she will love it. I am considering making her something to hang on the wall. I know she has admired mine and would love it.

I have been trying to come up with ideas for Christmas gifts that I can make. I have one project about completed and I came up with another one last night that I need to do a bit of investigating on to complete in the best usable way. I want to get a head start on making stuff, and I figure if I get started now then I won't be rushing in the end. Good plan huh!

Well, I'm off to get ready for company.

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