Sunday, July 19, 2009

July Love

Okay so we NEVER get weather that is anything but hot most July's, but would you believe that starting Friday we have had almost Fall or Spring like temps. I spent Friday running between Bowling Green and Russellville trying to get a Social Security Card for an Amish couple and the temperature never got above 78 degrees all day! Talk about Window Weather!

Yesterday was even cooler and so it called for a little blanket action while watching tv last night. Em and I caught up on some season 1 of CSI:NY after dinner and it got a bit chilly! But to be able to have the windows in the house open getting fresh air, listening to the birds chirp and the frogs croak is wonderful. Definitely a mood booster!

This weather is supposed to last all week and I can only hope that after we have throughly enjoyed it that it doesn't turn off to be 100 for the rest of the summer. I don't like when it get super hot like that. But for now, I will enjoy what we got while we got it!

Will is coming home today! He has been gone for an entire week. His mom and Jim get in from Alaska around 9:30 this morning. It will be good to see him and to have him home. And don't think that the only reason I missed him was because he cooks! I did manage to scrounge us up dinner so we didn't starve! But I will admit that he is the better cook!

And finally, my oldest baby turns 20. I cannot believe that it has been 20 years, but it has and she is a wonderful person. A bit hard headed at times, but she eventually comes around about most things. Happy Birthday Amber!

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