Monday, July 20, 2009

I Got The Job!

Yea! I am excited to say that I was hired today to be a cashier. The reason behind wanting to find another job on top of working the farm is that right now things are slow, money is tight, and I have time on my hands.

The job will be working at the Murphy gas station that is affiliated with Wal-Mart in Russellville. Right now it will be part time until about October when another cashier will be taking off on maternity leave and I will go full time until she comes back.

This is the type of job I probably have the most overall experience in. I have done some sort of customer service/cashier type of job since I was old enough to work. I don't mind working with people and this is close to home. I think the biggest win with this job is that I don't have to have a new wardrobe. I used to have a closet full of nice office clothing, but time and weight have sent them on to a better home.

Well, off to get started with the dinner for Amber's 20th. And to make plans for the upcoming weekend in Indianapolis.

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