Sunday, April 26, 2009

You just gotta

check out the way bottom of my blog. I found a Disney Ticker site and made one but when I tried putting it on the ol' blogger the template I use was too small for it to fit up on the side where you can actually SEE it, so I put it down on the bottom for now.

Things have been a bit busy here finally. We managed to get at least 95% of the cows caught and vaccinated and about 90% of the babies done on Friday and Saturday. I am sore, tired, can't walk because of blisters, and absolutly thrilled that it is done. Today we will haul the bulls and put them in with the cows and then we are pretty much quiet until haying starts. Of course if you listen to my dad we will not have enough hay and that may be true, but if they cut back the herd by at least 50% they would. Plans are in the works for that little project!

Still busy making cards. Since finding the 365 Cards blog that has daily challenges I find myself really enjoying cardmaking. I don't bother taking pictures of them and posting them as I find that such a tedious thing, but I have quite a pile of cards going and really having some fun. I may make some up to sell at a yard sale next month. Not sure if I really want to do that yet as I don't know how well they would sell or anything, but maybe!

1 comment:

dianna said...

Love your ticker...and want to GO!