Sunday, January 11, 2009

What a downer

yesterday was. My team, the Tennessee Titans have had almost a perfect season and then last night, with the help of a really bad call that wasn't even called they lost in the first round of the playoffs. I think if they hadn't had to play Baltimore, the sworn enemy, and they had a few key players that were healthier, and the back judge had pulled his head out and made the call that needed to be made then they would have had a chance. I was and still am very disappointed with the whole thing, but there is still the rest of the playoff games to watch and the Super Bowl in a few weeks. And there is always next year!

Today we did our cleaning up of the house that we always do, and I have been trying (not very hard though) to get the laundry done. My day didn't start off really good and I have been "off" all day. I was hoping that laying down and napping would help, but it really hasn't. I hate when I feel aggrevated over nothing. Irks the heck out of me.

I have all but finished up my first project for January's LWC class. The first Attribute album I did about myself, but I thing I would really like to do one for Will for his birthday and for both of the girls. If I worked really hard on it I could get Tori's done before next saturday and her birthday. I really liked the way it turned out and I would only have to rethink the sizes to make them work. I need to get busy making her birthday card. I found the perfect one on the cover of one of Paper Crafts I had bought. It looks like a converse shoe and will be perfect for my shoe hound. She has about 4 pairs of Converse and still has to have more shoes on a regular basis. The newest are plaid loafers that she got on sale for $20 and were originally $60.

Anywho, the days just keep chugging along and me right along with them. I shall return at a later time to fill you in :)

1 comment:

scrapgoddess said...

:( Sorry to hear about your team. Maybe next year will be better! I can't wait to see the birthday card for Tori .. it sounds super cute!!!