Monday, January 26, 2009

Baby, it's cold out there!

At least it is right now, and although the forecast is for temps in the mid-40's pretty much the entire week they are calling for and Ice Storm Warning for us and the surrounding counties starting around midnight tonight on into tomorrow morning. Uggg! That most likely means no school tomorrow and two girls that will fight over everything.

After school today I have to pick Em up and take her to Bowling Green for her second in the series shot. She was supposed to get it last week but they were out of the office on Monday when we were there and tried, she was sick Tuesday and Wednesday and then I was busy on Thursday and couldn't get away and they don't give shots of Friday's. Hopefully it hasn't been too long and she won't have to start the series over again.

All it so quiet right now. I have the house to myself all day long and I plan to enjoy it, and hopefully get some things done in the process. First thing on my list--enjoy the peace!

1 comment:

dianna said...

If you have any extra peace, please pass it along*!*