Monday, December 1, 2008

Hello December!

Wow, it is here. Ready or not the last month of the year is upon us and with it brings much......... Today I start my "Journal My Christmas" class with Shimelle and since I finished up my December Daily album last night I can get going on it today too. Jessica Sprague is hosting a picture a day gallery on her website and will be giving away a free class each Sunday.

Today started like a winter day should. Snow. Not alot, in fact it didn't even stick to the the ground at all, and by the time I got in the house from chores and could get to my camera it had quit all together, but it is a balmy 35 and cloudy! Hopefully will see some more snow later on today. I like to see snow!

I have to pick the kids up from school today as they have dentist appts at 4. After we get done with that I think the plan is to get the tree up. They wanted to do it all weekend but luckily they weren't home long enough to get it done. I insisted that they had to wait until at least December 1st and unless something much more pressing comes up I suppose that the decorating will begin tonight.

I need to get busy on laundry as I neglected it all weekend long. The albums I ordered to make gifts came on Friday and I need to get busy cutting all the pages for them. I would like to get them done by the end of the week so that they can get wrapped up. I need to get my Secret Santa stuff sent off to Tammy today, so that means I must get it all packed up.

Busy day ahead and I still haven't warmed up from chores. BRRRRR!~

1 comment:

dianna said...

Please send snow*!*

I'll send you my craft projects...fair trade?