It has been awhile since I bothered to post anything. Things have been on the up and down for awhile and after finding out my SIL had been reading this and found much of what I said offensive to her (which doesn't matter to me in the least as she is about as in need of therapy as anyone I have ever met) I just didn't care about posting anything.
I guess I could try and catch up a little. I had a hysterectomy on February 10th. The surgery went well but the bladder recovery has taken a bit longer. Not a fun issue to have but I am on the mend and that is what matters. Because the day before surgery I got a new job at Lowe's after a bit of recovery time at home I quit the job I had a Murphy's. I really had not intentions of going back to that job if I could help it and luckily found another job quickly. I start my orientation this week and hopefully will be back to working full time soon!
My baby turns 13 this month. I haven't thought too much about it other than we have a cake on order and all her gifts are tucked away and in need of being wrapped. We may or may not have some sort of party as we have no idea what any of ours schedules are going to look like by then. I figure if I think about it too much I am likely to bawl my eyes out.
I got a new hair style last week. After getting a terrible cut back in September I had refused to get another one figuring I could just make due with what ever it looked like on any given day. That worked for awhile but I just got really fed up with it and Will needed a haircut anyway so we broke down and did it. My good friend Christina has her own shop and so we ran up there and let her do what she wanted. She knows me well enough that she couldn't go too crazy, but I was more than ready for a change and that is what I got. Cut and color. I was tired of looking at all the new grays popping out all over and so now I am definitly not gray anymore. I have been told that I look 10 years younger. Way to go me!
I have been trying to work on a graduation album for Tori while I have been home and had the time to get it finished. Don't you know that my scrapbooking mojo has taken a hike and I have managed to complete 2 pages. I have pictures lying around that will go in it and several hundred more on the computer that I need to go through and make decisions on and I just get blocked when I get time to do it. I refuse to disappoint her like I did Amber. Amber didn't get her album until her 20th birthday. I need to just sit my ass down and get busy. It will look great when it is done and she will love it I just need to stop worrying about everything. I can't seem to help that part though.
Well, off to do another load of laundry, damn stuff multiplies like rabbits!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Still alive and kicking!

This girl here is officially an adult. She turned 18 on the 17th and we celebrated by having a nice lunch in Bowling Green. We had a bit of a family dinner the next evening and then she had a big friends party here at the house the next weekend. It was alot of fun and I am really proud of her and her accomplishments so far in her life.
School is back in session again after the long Christmas break and then a bit of some weather issues that forced them to wait almost another week to start. Both girls are happy to be in school again.
Andrew, my boy, is headed out into the world. He was home for the holidays and was supposed to be sitting in sunny San Diego soon after getting back, but his plans got changed and he has spent the past week in Norfolk, VA awaiting his first trip abroad. His orders are for Bahrain, which is an island off the coast of Saudi Arabia. Not the most ideal place I'm sure, but at least he will be on a ship and he is doing something that he wants to do. Doesn't really make it any easier for those at home. Now I understand how all of the families of our servicemen feel.
This week I am working the opening shift since the manager is at meetings all week in Orlando. I don't really mind the getting up at 1:30 in the morning to get going and all the different things that have to be done each day, and getting off before lunchtime is a bonus, but I don't take a nap when I get home so that I can sleep at bedtime and that makes for a long day. I have been going to bed pretty darn early so I miss out on most of the family time, but at least it is only until Monday. I have Friday off but have to again work the weekend opening then two days of the day shift before finally getting a couple of days off.
On the 10th I am having a hysterectomy done that will lay me up for about a month. I am really looking forward to it. I have lots to keep me busy while laying around in bed and I have been wanting to have this done for about 10 years now. I finally found a doctor that was willing to just do it without trying something else first. I think I have tried all of those something elses.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Tough Decisions
A few weeks ago we made the tough decision to take one of our 5 cats to the Humane Society. Freckles had been getting dirtier as time went on. She was making messes anywhere she was at the time and it was getting really hard to take. The decision to get rid of her was not an easy one as we had had her since birth and of course the love and attachment one has with a pet was there. I did miss her greeting me each morning begging for her treats which she would inhale. We called it her Kitty Crack and stocked up on a regular basis.
The overall feel in the household has been better without Freckles messes to deal with and Fuzzy one of the two males in the household has been a bit calmer too. The two of them were always battling and I think that was one of the biggest reasons she made the messes that she did.
To make a long story short, the Humane Society called this morning asking what kind of cat food we had fed her because she wasn't eating very well and they were getting concerned. Well hearing that made for alot of tears and talk. We talked to each of the girls about the situation and both agreed that we need to bring her home. Will and I both agreed that that was the only decision we could make in the matter.
Today it is snowing for the first time all winter and driving anywhere is not recommended. With the decision made to return her home we now must wait for the roads to clear a bit. If a prior appointment made for today gets cancelled then we will most definitely get her as soon as we can.
I know that all the reasons we got rid of her in the first place are still here, and we have all agreed to take that in stride and deal with it.
The overall feel in the household has been better without Freckles messes to deal with and Fuzzy one of the two males in the household has been a bit calmer too. The two of them were always battling and I think that was one of the biggest reasons she made the messes that she did.
To make a long story short, the Humane Society called this morning asking what kind of cat food we had fed her because she wasn't eating very well and they were getting concerned. Well hearing that made for alot of tears and talk. We talked to each of the girls about the situation and both agreed that we need to bring her home. Will and I both agreed that that was the only decision we could make in the matter.
Today it is snowing for the first time all winter and driving anywhere is not recommended. With the decision made to return her home we now must wait for the roads to clear a bit. If a prior appointment made for today gets cancelled then we will most definitely get her as soon as we can.
I know that all the reasons we got rid of her in the first place are still here, and we have all agreed to take that in stride and deal with it.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
A new year and a new decade
Hard to believe that another decade has begun. I remember when the world was gearing up for the beginning on the new millenium and all the Y2K stuff. It was almost like a let down when nothing happened after all of the hype.
2010 marks the beginning of alot of new things in my life and the life of my family. I am looking forward to seeing alot of these changes and making things happen. I want to see changes in myself personally and have been taking steps to take back my life and be the one in charge. I have felt abit adrift for so long but am finally ready to take the reins.
2010 brings the turning of age for my Tori. She will be 18 very soon. She will be finishing up her senior year of high school, graduating with honors and moving away from home and onto a whole new life as a college student. Emily will be hitting those teenage years in a few months and the changes that brings are unspeakable! :) In ways I am glad that we have made it to this point, but in others I am saddened that my baby is growing up.
2010 brings in changes in our financial situation. Taking the bull by the horns and making decisions that are good and will benefit us in the long run. I have never been good with money, shopping has always been a crutch for me. I am finally ready to make the changes necessary to really live life well. In turn those changes will allow us to move and expand our horizons. We don't know where or when yet, but the ideas are churning in our minds.
2010 also brings up the possibility is my returning to school. I am finally ready to tackle those few remaining classes and get my Associates degree and then go on to do even more and find a career that I like. I am thinking Accounting or something like that. I want a regular office job that allows me to have the off days spent with my family doing fun things.
2010 is going to be full of changes. I look forward to seeing those changes happen and help make them happen as well. I want to change and be a better person. I want to be able to spend quality time with my girls before they are gone from the nest. I want to create and learn and expand my horizons.
The slate has been wiped clean and I am ready.
2010 marks the beginning of alot of new things in my life and the life of my family. I am looking forward to seeing alot of these changes and making things happen. I want to see changes in myself personally and have been taking steps to take back my life and be the one in charge. I have felt abit adrift for so long but am finally ready to take the reins.
2010 brings the turning of age for my Tori. She will be 18 very soon. She will be finishing up her senior year of high school, graduating with honors and moving away from home and onto a whole new life as a college student. Emily will be hitting those teenage years in a few months and the changes that brings are unspeakable! :) In ways I am glad that we have made it to this point, but in others I am saddened that my baby is growing up.
2010 brings in changes in our financial situation. Taking the bull by the horns and making decisions that are good and will benefit us in the long run. I have never been good with money, shopping has always been a crutch for me. I am finally ready to make the changes necessary to really live life well. In turn those changes will allow us to move and expand our horizons. We don't know where or when yet, but the ideas are churning in our minds.
2010 also brings up the possibility is my returning to school. I am finally ready to tackle those few remaining classes and get my Associates degree and then go on to do even more and find a career that I like. I am thinking Accounting or something like that. I want a regular office job that allows me to have the off days spent with my family doing fun things.
2010 is going to be full of changes. I look forward to seeing those changes happen and help make them happen as well. I want to change and be a better person. I want to be able to spend quality time with my girls before they are gone from the nest. I want to create and learn and expand my horizons.
The slate has been wiped clean and I am ready.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Making Changes
Alot of things are changing around here recently. All for the good for sure.
Yesterday Will and I took advantage of a day off from work for me and an empty house and did a bit of cleaning, tossing and organizing in the basement. We had decided that we really needed to get down there and muck out the dungeon as it has become known. We got started around 7am and was really surprised that when we took a break for lunch we had not only completed the first room we wanted to get done but also had decided that we would conquer the next room too. By 2:3opm we had made two truck load trips to the dumpster and then filled the truck again with stuff for Goodwill. There is still a huge pile to go to the dumpster, and lucky for us it comes on Wednesday morning. We need to bring it all upstairs and put it into the back of the truck so as not to find it scattered all over the lawn by the dogs before the garbage truck gets here.
After getting that all done we decided we deserved a nice dinner out and a trip to the store for a few storage totes. Dinner at Shogun's was nice and we even survived a trip to Lowe's and Walmart. We did end up making a midnight run back to Bowling Green to pick up Tori who had gotten sick while at Amber's. She figures she got a bit of food poisoning but she is feeling better today.
This morning I repacked a few of the Christmas totes into the new ones we bought and labeled everything in site so we would know what we have where. That in itself feels good. We still have a bit of cleaning out and organizing to do but it is something that will take a bit more time than we wanted to spend yesterday.
The girls are still off of school this week and hopefully they will decide to spend a bit of that time at home before the busyness of things start up again. Will is off of work until the end of January when the college kids start back up so he plans to help out his mom with the apartments she has. I have to work of course which is fine. I get out of the house and with the raises I have gotten recently it is more worth it.
I am planning of having a hysterectomy done come February. The store will be at it's slowest and so I will be able to take off easier. I have a call in to the doctor's office right now trying to find out if it can be done simpler than we had discussed back in October. I wouldn't mind having the entire month off, but I really need the paycheck coming it too. Hopefully will hear back from them this week so that I can buckle down and get some plans made.
Some other changes happening around here are all about me. I have decided to make some personal changes that have so far had some positive affects on all of us. The job was the first thing that really made a difference in my overall attitude. The struggle at first is beginning to pay off. I have made some financial changes as well and although I haven't seen the differences yet the fact that it has been taken care off has lifted a very heavy weight from my shoulders. Physical changes have been going on too. Because of my crazy work schedule and lack of grazing while at home has prompted my pants to fit alot looser. That has a way of making things better!
Finally my word for 2010 has been decided upon and I picked CHANGE as my word. I figure it couldn't be a better fit as I have been making so many changes already. Life is looking up, home is much cleaner and more organized and overall I couldn't be happier. Heres to 2010!
Yesterday Will and I took advantage of a day off from work for me and an empty house and did a bit of cleaning, tossing and organizing in the basement. We had decided that we really needed to get down there and muck out the dungeon as it has become known. We got started around 7am and was really surprised that when we took a break for lunch we had not only completed the first room we wanted to get done but also had decided that we would conquer the next room too. By 2:3opm we had made two truck load trips to the dumpster and then filled the truck again with stuff for Goodwill. There is still a huge pile to go to the dumpster, and lucky for us it comes on Wednesday morning. We need to bring it all upstairs and put it into the back of the truck so as not to find it scattered all over the lawn by the dogs before the garbage truck gets here.
After getting that all done we decided we deserved a nice dinner out and a trip to the store for a few storage totes. Dinner at Shogun's was nice and we even survived a trip to Lowe's and Walmart. We did end up making a midnight run back to Bowling Green to pick up Tori who had gotten sick while at Amber's. She figures she got a bit of food poisoning but she is feeling better today.
This morning I repacked a few of the Christmas totes into the new ones we bought and labeled everything in site so we would know what we have where. That in itself feels good. We still have a bit of cleaning out and organizing to do but it is something that will take a bit more time than we wanted to spend yesterday.
The girls are still off of school this week and hopefully they will decide to spend a bit of that time at home before the busyness of things start up again. Will is off of work until the end of January when the college kids start back up so he plans to help out his mom with the apartments she has. I have to work of course which is fine. I get out of the house and with the raises I have gotten recently it is more worth it.
I am planning of having a hysterectomy done come February. The store will be at it's slowest and so I will be able to take off easier. I have a call in to the doctor's office right now trying to find out if it can be done simpler than we had discussed back in October. I wouldn't mind having the entire month off, but I really need the paycheck coming it too. Hopefully will hear back from them this week so that I can buckle down and get some plans made.
Some other changes happening around here are all about me. I have decided to make some personal changes that have so far had some positive affects on all of us. The job was the first thing that really made a difference in my overall attitude. The struggle at first is beginning to pay off. I have made some financial changes as well and although I haven't seen the differences yet the fact that it has been taken care off has lifted a very heavy weight from my shoulders. Physical changes have been going on too. Because of my crazy work schedule and lack of grazing while at home has prompted my pants to fit alot looser. That has a way of making things better!
Finally my word for 2010 has been decided upon and I picked CHANGE as my word. I figure it couldn't be a better fit as I have been making so many changes already. Life is looking up, home is much cleaner and more organized and overall I couldn't be happier. Heres to 2010!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas 2009!
Wow, it came, it went and I am happy to see it go.
For whatever reason I find the holiday season a bit stressful and because of all the changes in the daily schedules around here this year I found I didn't particularly enjoy it much. Between the discord with my parents, the stress of a new job that keeps me sleeping, physical issues that will not resolve themselves, kids, and life in general I sometimes felt that I was just going through the motions day to day.
Right now it is almost 5 pm on Christmas day. Twelve hours ago the girls woke us up to open presents. Because there were so few this year we took turns opening so that it would last just a little longer. Tori and I headed back to bed soon after finishing up. Will got on the computer to play his game and Emily played one of her new DS games. Around 9am the folks came in to drop off goodies from an Amish neighbor and we made plans to go over to their house after they finished up the chores. Chores didn't go so well and by the time we got over there around 11 everyone was just plain tired. We managed to open presents and then we got out of there.
Amber and David took Emily with them to Bowling Green to spend a few days. Tori came home with us, showered and proceeded to visit some friends on the way to stay at Amber's. I went back to bed after finally eating some leftovers and now I am in the process of I have no idea. Waiting for the football game to come on at 6 or so.
I remember when the girls were little and the anticipation of Christmas was almost more than any of us could stand. Maybe it is because they are older now and their outlook on the season is different. Maybe it is because there is so much tension in the air whenever everyone is all together that it takes effort not to get mad. Who knows, I just know that despite it all I did have a good time but I am really glad it is over. I am ready to start looking towards the new year and all the changes that we hope to make happen.
I think that with patience we will have a good 2010. There is alot that will be going on all year that we have to be prepared for and I am trying on a new outlook on life to make sure that I get where I want to be. I want to do more with less this year and really get on top of some of the issues that caused me so much stress this year, and I want to really enjoy life.
So, Merry Christmas to all who partake of my little blog here. Hopefully I will be a bit better about posting and will try to find a new updated look for it.
For whatever reason I find the holiday season a bit stressful and because of all the changes in the daily schedules around here this year I found I didn't particularly enjoy it much. Between the discord with my parents, the stress of a new job that keeps me sleeping, physical issues that will not resolve themselves, kids, and life in general I sometimes felt that I was just going through the motions day to day.
Right now it is almost 5 pm on Christmas day. Twelve hours ago the girls woke us up to open presents. Because there were so few this year we took turns opening so that it would last just a little longer. Tori and I headed back to bed soon after finishing up. Will got on the computer to play his game and Emily played one of her new DS games. Around 9am the folks came in to drop off goodies from an Amish neighbor and we made plans to go over to their house after they finished up the chores. Chores didn't go so well and by the time we got over there around 11 everyone was just plain tired. We managed to open presents and then we got out of there.
Amber and David took Emily with them to Bowling Green to spend a few days. Tori came home with us, showered and proceeded to visit some friends on the way to stay at Amber's. I went back to bed after finally eating some leftovers and now I am in the process of I have no idea. Waiting for the football game to come on at 6 or so.
I remember when the girls were little and the anticipation of Christmas was almost more than any of us could stand. Maybe it is because they are older now and their outlook on the season is different. Maybe it is because there is so much tension in the air whenever everyone is all together that it takes effort not to get mad. Who knows, I just know that despite it all I did have a good time but I am really glad it is over. I am ready to start looking towards the new year and all the changes that we hope to make happen.
I think that with patience we will have a good 2010. There is alot that will be going on all year that we have to be prepared for and I am trying on a new outlook on life to make sure that I get where I want to be. I want to do more with less this year and really get on top of some of the issues that caused me so much stress this year, and I want to really enjoy life.
So, Merry Christmas to all who partake of my little blog here. Hopefully I will be a bit better about posting and will try to find a new updated look for it.
Monday, November 16, 2009
What to do?
Here I am sitting in front of the dang computer playing games on facebook instead of actually getting off my butt and doing something productive. But ya know what? So what!
Actually I have managed to watch some of the videos from an online class that I am taking that involves the Zutter machine. I have had this little blue wonder for awhile now and because I didn't really understand all the ins and outs of it I rarely used it. Well along comes a class that teaches all that stuff and more and for the small fee I paid I feel like I have really learned alot and we haven't even really started. I need to get busy and finish up the first 3 lessons, and that may or may not happen today, but at least I have started.
I have managed to get a few of the gifts I have planned for Christmas done and out of the way and that is good. I am trying to plan out several projects that will require some time to do and I let that get in my way sometimes. I spend too much time worrying about what I have plenty of time to do instead of concentrating on what needs to get done now. That is something I need to work on.
Saturday will be the official start to my title of Assistant Manager. I have been training for about 2 weeks now and after another drug screen and a deeper background check then I will be good to go. Overall the job isn't that hard to do. There is alot that needs to be remembered and I suppose that over time I will get it. The pay is better too!
Right now I have a bit of lunch in the oven and an episode of Bones to catch up on so I think I will sign off and maybe even get a nap in!
Actually I have managed to watch some of the videos from an online class that I am taking that involves the Zutter machine. I have had this little blue wonder for awhile now and because I didn't really understand all the ins and outs of it I rarely used it. Well along comes a class that teaches all that stuff and more and for the small fee I paid I feel like I have really learned alot and we haven't even really started. I need to get busy and finish up the first 3 lessons, and that may or may not happen today, but at least I have started.
I have managed to get a few of the gifts I have planned for Christmas done and out of the way and that is good. I am trying to plan out several projects that will require some time to do and I let that get in my way sometimes. I spend too much time worrying about what I have plenty of time to do instead of concentrating on what needs to get done now. That is something I need to work on.
Saturday will be the official start to my title of Assistant Manager. I have been training for about 2 weeks now and after another drug screen and a deeper background check then I will be good to go. Overall the job isn't that hard to do. There is alot that needs to be remembered and I suppose that over time I will get it. The pay is better too!
Right now I have a bit of lunch in the oven and an episode of Bones to catch up on so I think I will sign off and maybe even get a nap in!
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