Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A month of color and FarmTown

As a crafter, I have found that I love classes done by Shimelle. She is great and her classes are really alot of fun. I have done 2 different albums and have a couple of others waiting in the wings for a rainy day. Well she is up to something this month and I am hoping to be able to find enough time to play along.

Won't you play along with me? She has some great stuff planned all month long and already has a free download for the first challenge. Gotta love the free stuff!

Not only is Shimelle celebrating color, but the project for A Life Well Crafted on Big Picture Scrapbooking this month is about color. The project itself involves a round album (which I think is way cool in itself) and will be unveiled on Thursday. I can hardly wait since it is supposed to rain starting tomorrow and that means no haying for the rest of the week!

June really does seem like the perfect time to celebrate color. With all the trees in full green, various flowers blooming in every color imaginable, butterflies of various sizes and colors flitting happily around the yard. And lets not forget the birds! We have ALOT of birds that we tend to year round. Love that.

On to Facebook news. I have been a member of Facebook for awhile now and rarely update it and find it a real pain to do until recently. Oh sure I have my Lil Green Patch and Blue Cove that I try to take care of on a regular basis, but you know, it just isn't my thing. Well that was until I was introduced to Farmtown by my friend Kristi W. well I can say that I am slightly addicted and make sure that I check on the growth of my crops several times a day. I have a spiffy little farm going now and have learned the hard way that you do not plant grapes before going to bed just because they are a fast growing crop. They will be a wasted mess by morning, always be awake for grapes.

Will thinks it is funny because I have a computer game addiction. I promise it won't take over my currently uneventful life, but I can't say that I won't check on things a couple times a day. I had tomatoes harvested and sold by 6am!

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