Thursday, January 8, 2009

Can you say DUH!

I have been waiting all week for today to get here so that I could take Emily to the orthodontist for xrays. Will and I have been killing the day planning on what all we need/want to do in Bowling Green while we are there when I decide I should get the appointment slip that I have had since August to show them when we get there as they didn't call/email a reminder this time for some reason. I look at the slip and see that I have been axiously waiting for the wrong day all week. Her appointment was yesterday! I have only been looking at this slip all this time and recently hung it up on the fridge so as not to get lost on my computer desk. Don't ask me why I thought it was on a thursday instead of just looking and actually reading the dang thing. Oh well, they were very nice and rescheduled for the 19th of this month. Maybe I won't forget this one!

One to baby news we are really on a role. We are around 25 with at least 2 if not 3 we found today (we are not sure on the one cow if she has had it yet or not). So far we have several shades of black, one gray, one black with a white tail and one black with a white face. So cute!

Well off to pick up the kid and head to town. We are going to do a bit of shopping and I may even get lucky and find Tori a prom dress she will like at Dillards. They are going out of business and everything is over 75% off. Wish me luck~

1 comment:

scrapgoddess said...

Oh no ... I hate that sinking feeling when you realize you missed an appointment! I'm glad they were able to re-schedule for you!